Eat Turmeric! WHY? Turmeric is like the first cousin of my old pal ginger! Even if you’re not familiar with it, I guarantee you have probably eaten it, as it is one of the spicesRead more
Eat Turmeric! WHY? Turmeric is like the first cousin of my old pal ginger! Even if you’re not familiar with it, I guarantee you have probably eaten it, as it is one of the spicesRead more
Do Some Yoga I’m sure we are all aware that doing any exercise, including yoga, is good for our physical health, but yoga especially has long been known to be hugely beneficialRead more
In this week’s video I’m showing you how I make one of my favourite breakfasts – overnight oats. This is a really quick, easy and nourishing breakfast that you could even take with you if you’re on the go!Read more
What is the story with PROTEIN? You’ve probably noticed more and more weird and wonderful ‘high in protein’ foods on the supermarket shelves, so in this week’s video I want to haveRead more
Sugar has been hitting the headlines a lot recently! So, for this week’s video I thought I would have a quick chat about it. I will have lots of advice and tips about sugarRead more
Calories! That’s a word we are all familiar with, but do you actually know what they are? Well, in today’s video I’m going to tell you, and also explain something REALLY IMPORTANTRead more
Two words I hear a lot from clients when it comes to healthy eating are TIME and CONVENIENCE. In an ideal world we would cook all of our meals from scratch, but some daysRead more
Eat Almonds! WHY? Because they are one of the best sources of Vitamin E which we need for strong immunity, a healthy brain and heart and to help fight the signs ofRead more
A few years ago I gave up my smartphone and went back