Make a Happy List
How we think impacts how we feel. If you think negative thoughts, you’ll feel bad! So let’s flip reverse it and think happy thoughts! Write a list of some of the things that make you happy, make you smile, make you feel all warm and fuzzy! And put that list somewhere you can see it! Happy thoughts MAKE you happy!
Colour In!
Colouring books for adults have really grown in popularity. As well as bringing us back to the simpler times of childhood (ah good times!), colouring lets us focus on something harmless, forcing us to stop focusing on stressful, negative thoughts and giving our bodies and brains some much-needed rest! So, go grab some crayons!
Press Pause
We live such fast-paced lives these days that it feels like we’re in fast forward mode, and our poor bodies just can’t keep up! This is a little trick I learned in counselling. These blue coloured dots are stuck in random places around my home. When I see one, it’s a reminder to pause for a moment, take a few deep breaths…and then carry on! Try it!
Give Hugs!
Who doesn’t love hugs!? OK I know some people don’t like them…but there’s a reason there is such a thing as “hugging therapy”! Hugging has been proven to help our bodies heal from things like stress, anxiety, depression and physical illness. So, go get some hugs! Pets count too! Here I am getting some hugs from my niece and a giant stuffed carrot!