One Step at a Time
The pressure to go on an extreme health kick in January can be overwhelming. And when it inevitably doesn’t go as planned, we’re left feeling like a failure! The best, and most mindful way to improve our health is to do things gradually.
Use Lavender
Certain scents have an amazing ability to evoke emotions and memories, and some even affect us physically. Lavender is well known for its calming and relaxation properties. It is one of my go-to remedies for dealing with stress and anxiety! I simply open the bottle of lavender oil, hold it close to my nose and take a few deep breaths! Very effective!
Exercise never came naturally to me. When gym bunny friends would say “exercise makes me feel soooo good” I was often filled with the urge to poke them in the eye! But, the fact is, they’re right! When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins which do in fact help to create feelings of euphoria! So, find something you can ENJOY doing and get moving! (One of the things I enjoy is a brisk walk..mainly because I don’t have to change out of my jeans!)
Listen to Music
Music is not just “good for the soul” it’s good for your health! Music can stimulate our feel good hormones, so if you’re in a bad mood, listen to your favourite song to cheer yourself up. Better yet, sing along! If you’re stressed, sit down, close your eyes and listen to some slow relaxing music.