Here goes….my very first blog post! I thought I’d start off with a post about that thing we are all striving for in life, that thing I’ve decided to build a career on, that thing that at times can seem so hard to achieve – being healthy! My mission with my blog, and my work in general, is to educate you, to encourage and motivate you to live a healthier life through a better diet and lifestyle.
So, before we start down this track together, there are a few things you need to know first about being healthy…
1 – It’s about THRIVING!
The thing I hear most often when people change their diet and lifestyle is “I didn’t realise I felt so bad until I started to feel better!” We’ve become so used to feeling just ‘ok’ that we’ve begun to settle for this. Many of us don’t even realise that it is possible to feel all the things that come with being healthy, we’re just grateful if we’re not sick!
But there is SO much more to being healthy. It is about actually feeling GOOD, having energy, good digestion, good moods, good mental health, looking vibrant, and much much more. Why just survive when you can THRIVE!? Please don’t settle for feeling ‘ok’ – you and your body deserve much more than that!
2 – It’s not ‘all or nothing’
The biggest obstacle I come across is this crazy ‘all or nothing’ mindset that seems to go hand in hand with trying to achieve health nowadays. We seem to think there are only 2 states of being when it comes to our diet and lifestyle and they are at extreme opposite ends. One day you’re ‘in the zone’ sipping on green juices, pounding away in the gym, but one slip up and you’re off that wagon and back lying on the couch drowning in pizza and ice cream feeling like a failure!
But it’s not your fault! The vast majority of ‘diets’ and ‘health kicks’ don’t last because trying to achieve it ‘all’ overnight is completely overwhelming to your body and your brain! My approach to healthy eating and living has always been about PROGRESS, gradually changing habits and moving in an overall healthier direction. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
3 – It’s about balance, not deprivation
There’s also this perception that being healthy is boring and miserable, all about deprivation. But you don’t have to give up all of the foods or activities that you love and perceive to be ‘unhealthy’. It’s such a cliché to say this, but it IS all about balance.
Imagine this. Being healthy is like having a savings account. As long as you are making MUCH MORE deposits than withdrawals (I’m talking like 80:20), then you will still see great benefit. So as long as the majority of your meals are really nourishing and you’re living an overall healthy lifestyle, then it doesn’t matter if you have dessert, drink a glass of wine or go on the odd mad night out. The problems arise when you are making too many withdrawals, not enough deposits and end up with an overdraft!
4 – It’s not expensive
There’s this myth that being healthy is expensive. But it’s just that, a myth! Sure, if you’re doing your weekly shop in a health food store and stocking up on things like powdered seaweed and bee pollen, then you’ll end up spending a lot. But this is not necessary!
For me, healthy eating and living is about getting back to basics, eating more of the types of foods our grandparents ate, living a simpler life. Does it require a bit of effort? Maybe. A bit of planning and thought? Yes. More money? NO!
5 – And finally….It’s worth it!
Just bear with me here while I whip out one of the cringiest most overused sayings there is….”your health is your wealth”! But it is soooo true! Trust me, that other saying about how you “don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” is none more so true than when it comes to your health. All of the other things in life that you may value – relationships, children, career, money, looking good, feeling good…. They ALL suffer if you are not healthy.
I’m gonna get serious here, but YOU are the one responsible for your own health. It’s lucky then that YOU are the one with the most influence and power over your body and health. Use that power for good! It is sooo worth it!
So, there you have it, 5 things you should all know about being healthy. Now are you ready to embark on this journey with me?! I promise you won’t regret it!